Are you snorkeling and want to take the next step by trying scuba diving? This evolution requires above all a good training. Here are the various tips to make diving in complete safety.

Protect yourself from the dangers of scuba diving

When scuba diving, we can be confronted with several dangers, especially those related to weather conditions or the marine environment. In addition, your evolution underwater is also to be taken into account. To practice this sport in complete peace of mind, discover some essential preventive gestures.

Be in good health

It's an obvious rule to remember! To avoid any inconvenience and even for your well-being, do not dive if you are under medical treatment, if you lack sleep and if you are ill or suffering. Above all, do not take any risks, as this could lead to a diving accident... Finally, plan a medical visit to your doctor every year and to your dentist for possible dental problems.

Protect yourself against decompression sickness

When you dive, the nitrogen "invests" your respiratory system and sometimes evacuation remains difficult, even on the surface. In relation to this phenomenon, it is necessary to control its speed during ascent. To do this, follow the instructions of your instructor by insisting on exhalation. Before and after diving, remember to eat well and stay hydrated. In addition, protection against the cold after your immersion is also essential. Lack of sleep, back problems, inability to urinate or other sensory and/or functional problems should alert you!

Avoid shortness of breath

Shortness of breath occurs when your breathing rate becomes faster until you are gasping for breath. Faced with this situation, stay calm and increase your effort on the exhalation. It doesn't matter where your shortness of breath comes from! This sensation can be caused by too much effort, a major anxiety caused by a poor field of vision, a regulator that is too hard, a suit that is too tight, but also hypothermia. To stop this phenomenon, breathe deeply (0.8 to 1l), keep control of your movements and breathe out!

Anticipate air failure

Air failure is a dreaded circumstance for divers despite the fact that it remains rather rare! Stay alert to this situation by checking your tank pressure in the centre, on the boat and regularly underwater. Your octopus must be well stowed away and warn your instructor when you are at half pressure so that he can start, if necessary, the return to the boat. Also stay close to your buddy: he will be able to share his air in case of dizziness or in case of a possible breakdown of your equipment.

Limit the risks of barotrauma

Barotrauma is caused by changes in the volume of air in your body due to pressure. You can fight against their effects: - Downhill: if you blow into your mask, it should never be too tight to avoid a tackle, before regularly balancing your ears without discomfort. Also be careful about the speed of your descent and don't force yourself! If the problems persist, go back up slightly to relieve yourself and rebalance. If necessary, it is important to blow your nose to clear your sinuses. - Ascending: there is generally nothing to do! The air escapes naturally from your ears, sinuses or mask. You will naturally prevent excess lung pressure by avoiding apnea and by controlling your speed during the ascent phases, by exhaling well.

Controlling the inherent risks associated with your diving equipment

For your stabilizer vest, be careful about its integrity, otherwise any stabilization would be impossible, especially if your vest fills up with water. A direct-system (DS) in bad condition (inflation problem) and you will be unable to stabilize or control your speed when you go up! For your regulator, there are several points of vigilance. If it is too hard, soft or subject to leaks, it can cause shortness of breath, a lack of air or create a stressful situation. It must therefore provide you with the requested air without insisting on it. Otherwise, your air consumption will be much higher, with a tenfold increase in the risk of shortness of breath.

Proper maintenance of your equipment to avoid diving accidents

Your diving equipment ensures your survival underwater, read the different instructions of the equipment and carry out good maintenance on a regular basis.

The stabilizer vest

Before diving, take care of your stabilizer vest, checking it visually. Check its tightness and also check the DS inflator: by inflating it to its maximum capacity, until the purges are triggered automatically. After this, wait a few seconds and check for leaks. Also remember to check the operation of the quick purges and the direct-system (DS). When submerging, be careful not to stick to the bottom of the ocean and rocks to protect your jacket and avoid scratches. Once your dive is over, rinse your vest in fresh water and dry it out of the sun.

The regulator

It is important to protect the regulator during transport by storing it in a suitable dive bag. The second stages and the pressure gauge should be placed inside the pocket of your stabilizer vest on the boat so that they do not drag during your dive. Once you have finished your sea trip, put the cap on and leave it to soak for 10 minutes in water with disinfectant and then dry it in a place out of the sun. In case of leakage or hardness, have your equipment checked by the after-sales service. In addition, as with the stabilizer vest, an annual inspection of your equipment is essential!